Countries worked:
Aruba, Azores, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Canary Islands, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Latvia, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Netherlands, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela.
States and Territories worked:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Stations worked list
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Are We Alone in the Universe?
N* = the (N)umber of stars in our Milky Way.
fp = The (F)raction of stars that have (P)lanetary systems.
ne = (N)umber of planets per star (E)cologically able to sustain life.
fl = (F)raction of those planets where (L)ife actually evolved.
fi = The (F)raction of (fl) that evolves (I)ntelligent life.
fc = The (F)raction of (fi) that communicates.
fL = The (F)raction of the planets (L)ife durring which the communicating civilization survives.
(N*=100 billion) X (fp=50%) X (ne=1) X (fl=50%) X (fi=20%) X (fc=20%) X (fL=1/1,000,000 or 10,000years). Using these numbers then N = 1,000 communicating civilizations in our galaxy. The actual numbers may be quite a bit higher.
1,000 planets just in our own Milky Way Galaxy. Many scientists will tell you that this number is very conservative and the actual number maybe many times higher. Remember that there are billions of galaxies in the universe so the real number of planets with intelligent life could be in the hundreds of billions.
Are we alone? I would have to say probably not. Have we been visited? That’s another thing entirely, maybe, maybe not but that discussion is for another day but makes you think.
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The Tuckerton Wireless Tower
Circa 1916 |
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One of three anchor blocks |
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Why Are We Called "HAMS"?
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My Beginings In Radio
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Realistic Navaho TRC-23B |
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Amateur Radio and Weather
Two of my favorite things in the world are weather watching and Amateur Radio. My radio along with my Davis Weather Station I can enjoy both.
In the summer of 2009 I was tuning around the 40-meter band and heard my dream come true net. The North Central Amateur Radio Service A.K.A. NorCars. This net provides road, weather and gas price information for mobile operators. The first time you check in you become a lifetime member and membership is free.
On this net folks actually report current and forecasted weather conditions along with their local prices for gasoline. I was instantly hooked and check in almost daily.
If you are like me and love Amateur Radio and are also a weather freak I highly recommend you check out NorCars. They meet daily 8:15AM and 5:00PM EST on or about 7.197mhz.
Please visit the NorCars web site -
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Understanding Field Day!
Sunday June 27, 2010 was Amateur Radio’s most sacred day of the year, better know as Field Day. On Field Day, thousands of Hams gather in parks, campgrounds, back yards and even in the comfort of their shacks to set up and operate ham radio equipment. They are encouraged to use alternate power sources and other out of the ordinary ways to operate. This is done for practice in case of natural disaster or severe weather situations.
Since getting my General class ticket only a year ago this was the first time that I decided to participate in Field Day. I got up bright and early, turned on my rig and couldn’t find a clear frequency to save my life. I never heard so many stations at one time before. The question was however, what was I hearing?
After stations gave their "call" they would also send a number and a series of letters, what did they mean? I would here "W2ABB 2B NNJ". OK, I of course knew what the W2ABB was but 2B NNJ? So I did what I always do when I feel dumb, I Googled "Field Day".
After about an hour it was "no joy". I found everything about Field Day except what information was being exchanged. Finally after what seemed like a 100 different sites it started to make sense. This is what I discovered.
The "the number designates the number of transmitters used, for instance if your club was operating three transmitters the number would be 3. The first letter was the your class, for instance if you where mobile you would be class C. The second sets of letter is you’re A.R.R.L. section, NNJ meaning Northern New Jersey. I also heard some stations just say "Northern New Jersey" instead of "NNJ".
I hope this help all of you first time Field Day participants next year. Look below for a simple listing of class and sections.
Class A Battery: Club or non club with 3 or more operators using 5 watts or less and a power source other then commercial power.
Class B: One or two person’s portable.
Class C: Mobile.
Class D: Home Stations using commercial power.
Class E: Home Stations using emergency power.
Class F: Emergency Operators Centers (EOC).
ARRL/RAC Contest Section Abbreviation List.
Connecticut – CT / Rhode Island – RI
Eastern Mass. - EMA / Vermont – VT
Maine – ME / Western Mass. – WMA
New Hampshire – NH
Eastern NY – ENY / Northern NY – NNY
NYC/Long Island – NLI / Southern NJ – SNJ
Northern NJ – NNJ / Western NY – WNY
Delaware – DE / Maryland/DC – MDC
Eastern PA – EPA / Western PA – WPA
Alabama – AL / Southern FLA – SFL
Georgia – GA / Tennessee – TN
Kentucky – KY / Virginia – VA
North Carolina – NC / West Central FLA – WCF
Northern FLA – NFL / Puerto Rico – PR
South Carolina – SC / Virgin Islands – VI
Arkansas – AR / North Texas – NTX
Louisiana – LA / Oklahoma – OK
Mississippi – MS / South Texas - STX
New Mexico – NM / West Texas – WTX
East Bay – EB / San Diego – SDG
Los Angeles – LAX / San Francisco – SF
Orange – ORG / San Joaquin Valley – SJV
Santa Barbara – SB / Sacramento Valley – SV
Santa Clara Val. – SCV / Pacific – PAC
Alaska – AK / Nevada – NV
Arizona – AZ / Oregon – OR
Eastern WA. – EWA / Utah – UT
Idaho – ID / Western WA. – WWA
Montana – MT / Wyoming – WY
Michigan – MI / West Virginia – WV
Ohio – OH
Illinois – IL / Wisconsin – WI
Indiana – IN
Colorado – CO / Missouri – MO
Iowa – IA / Nebraska – NE
Kansas – KS / North Dakota – ND
Minnesota – MN / South Dakota – SD
Maritime – MAR / Saskatchewan – SK
New Foundland/Labrador – NL / Alberta – AB
Quebec – QC / British Columbia – BC
Ontario – ON / Northern Territories – NT
Manitoba – MB
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Is ET Amoung Us?
Another speculation is that aliens helped our ancestors build the Great Pyramids and other unexplainable building projects that are thousands of years old. Okay, it is hard to believe that we built those things with the technology of the day. In fact many of them would be extremely difficult to do even today.
Non believer’s first argument is, if we are being visited, why don’t they just land in the Rose Garden of the White House, pop open the hatch and say "We’re here". Well lets look at that for a moment. Any visiting being would be far more intelligent then us and probably wouldn’t think we are ready to be told that we are not the center of the universe. People would be scared to death and panic would arise. Unfortunately, our first instinct is to kill or destroy what we don’t understand. Now would you want to expose yourself to that?
Now for what I think is possible is recognized by most in the ET biz, and that is that we are being visited and have been for thousands of years. I’ll take it a step further, I know I’m going to lose most of you with this but I think that humans are not indigenes to this world but we are settlers from another world and that makes us the aliens.
If my idea is true where’s the absolute evidence? Sorry but there is none but then again there probably wouldn’t be. It’s quite possible that we have had rise and falls of intelligent civilizations countless times here on Earth. The falls could have been caused by wars, disease or natural disasters. Science has all but proven that with the absents of human intervention that it only takes centuries for nature to completely wipe out any evidence of cities or technologies.
With all that said it could be complete bull but I’m a big believer that anything is possible and all ideas are valid until absolutely proven otherwise.
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My Davis Vantage Vue
For the past couple of years I’ve owned the Acu-Rite weather station. $70 at Lowes and as they say you get what you pay for. It was OK as long as the wind speed didn’t go above 10 mph.
I have the best XYL in the world. She says that my radio hobby is a waste of time and money but in the end she always comes through.
She knows I enjoy checking in every morning with the NorCars net. To my surprise for my birthday she got me a Davis Vantage Vue weather station and I just love it. It keeps track of just about everything the amateur weather watcher needs.
If your looking for a weather station that won’t break the bank this one is for you. It’s a step down from the Davis Vantage Pro but you know what, I like it even better. It’s a bit smaller and the only thing that it doesn’t have is the Pro’s digital banner on the bottom of the screen. It’s also about 250 bucks cheaper then the Pro. 250 bucks? That sounds like a new mobile rig, only kidding dear!
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Yaesu FT-450 Review
The transmitter does an excellent job putting out 100 watts, I’ve worked Europe, Asia and South America on a simple dipole. The main tuning dial is a bit small (about the size of a silver dollar) and I have fat fingers but it wouldn’t be a reason for me to look for another rig. I plan to use this rig for a couple of years and then use it as a backup rig when I buy my future FT-950 or FT-2000. By the way, the price isn’t too bad either, I paid only $699 through
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Are Sunspots Disappearing?
By NASA's Dr. Tony Philips
The sun is in the pits of the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century. Weeks and sometimes whole months go by without even a single tiny sunspot. The quiet has dragged out for more than two years, prompting some observers to wonder, are sunspots disappearing?
"Personally, I'm betting that sunspots are coming back," says researcher Matt Penn of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) in Tucson, Arizona. But, he allows, "there is some evidence that they won't."
Penn's colleague Bill Livingston of the NSO has been measuring the magnetic fields of sunspots for the past 17 years, and he has found a remarkable trend. Sunspot magnetism is on the decline.
"Sunspot magnetic fields are dropping by about 50 gauss per year," says Penn. "If we extrapolate this trend into the future, sunspots could completely vanish around the year 2015."
This disappearing act is possible because sunspots are made of magnetism. The "firmament" of a sunspot is not matter but rather a strong magnetic field that appears dark because it blocks the upflow of heat from the sun's interior. If Earth lost its magnetic field, the solid planet would remain intact, but if a sunspot loses its magnetism, it ceases to exist.
"According to our measurements, sunspots seem to form only if the magnetic field is stronger than about 1500 gauss," says Livingston. "If the current trend continues, we'll hit that threshold in the near future, and solar magnetic fields would become too weak to form sunspots."
"This work has caused a sensation in the field of solar physics," comments NASA sunspot expert David Hathaway, who is not directly involved in the research. "It's controversial stuff."
The controversy is not about the data. "We know Livingston and Penn are excellent observers," says Hathaway. "The trend that they have discovered appears to be real." The part colleagues have trouble believing is the extrapolation. Hathaway notes that most of their data were taken after the maximum of Solar Cycle 23 (2000-2002) when sunspot activity naturally began to decline. "The drop in magnetic fields could be a normal aspect of the solar cycle and not a sign that sunspots are permanently vanishing."
Penn himself wonders about these points. "Our technique is relatively new and the data stretches back in time only 17 years. We could be observing a temporary downturn that will reverse itself."
The technique they're using was pioneered by Livingston at the McMath-Pierce solar telescope near Tucson. He looks at a spectral line emitted by iron atoms in the sun's atmosphere. Sunspot magnetic fields cause the line to split in two an effect called "Zeeman splitting" after Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman who discovered the phenomenon in the 19th century. The size of the split reveals the intensity of the magnetism.
Astronomers have been measuring sunspot magnetic fields in this general way for nearly a century, but Livingston added a twist. While most researchers measure the splitting of spectral lines in the visible part of the sun's spectrum, Livingston decided to try an infra-red spectral line. Infrared lines are much more sensitive to the Zeeman effect and provide more accurate answers. Also, he dedicated himself to measuring a large number of sunspots—more than 900 between 1998 and 2005 alone. The combination of accuracy and numbers revealed the downturn.
If sunspots do go away, it wouldn't be the first time. In the 17th century, the sun plunged into a 70-year period of spotlessness known as the Maunder Minimum that still baffles scientists. The sunspot drought began in 1645 and lasted until 1715; during that time, some of the best astronomers in history (e.g., Cassini) monitored the sun and failed to count more than a few dozen sunspots per year, compared to the usual thousands.
"Whether [the current downturn] is an omen of long-term sunspot decline, analogous to the Maunder Minimum, remains to be seen," Livingston and Penn caution in a recent issue of EOS. "Other indications of solar activity suggest that sunspots must return in earnest within the next year."
Whatever happens, notes Hathaway, "the sun is behaving in an interesting way and I believe we're about to learn something new."
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