

Who Am I?

Hello, my name is Bill, my call is WX4AR and my QTH is Tuckerton, New Jersey, grid FM29tn. I’ve been a licensed Ham since 1985. I’m proud to hold a Amateur Extra license. I also held the call KA2WYG.

My shack consists of a Yaesu FT-450 with the MD-100 desk mic, MFJ 949E tuner and a Yaesu FT-7900.  Antennas - Comet H-422 Quad Band Rotatable dipole and a 40 meter double bazooka for HF work. A Jetstream JTB3 is used for VHF/UHF. I also have a self built Heathkit SB-104A that unfortunately doesn't work.  Shh, don't tell anyone but I also own a Realistic Navaho TRC-458 Citizens Band that I bought about thirty years ago.  I enjoy SSB phone and BPSK-31. I’m working on getting back to CW but it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks but I know if I keep it up I'll get there.

I'm looking forward to a move to North Carolina with my XYL Patsy and my right hand (paw) pup Coco as soon as the market improves. 

I spend the rest of my time keeping up with current events and figuring out how such events affect my family. I'm a proud father of three and grandfather of six, seven if you count my best friend Coco (K9DOG).

Pet Peeves

Perhaps calling this posting "pet peeves" is a misnomer.  It should actually be called "Proper Radio Usage".  It will be a list of things that range from just annoying to outright driving me to drink.  I'll be adding items as they come to me so please check back from time to time.  This list is not in any particular order.  So enjoy and maybe, just maybe learn something.  Using a little common sense will make this great hobby more enjoyable for you and others. 
1. At the completion of a QSO please don't say 73's.  The proper way to do it is by saying 73.  When holding a conversation with someone outside of radio you don't say good byes, you say good bye.  73's is so Citizens Band, oops did I say that out loud?
2. Please, please, please, when using PSK-31 don't use full power.  PSK-31 is very unique, you only need a few watts to talk to the world.  Most people use about 30 watts and as high as 50.  When using 100 watts and yes even higher power (you know who you are) all your doing is taking up so much bandwidth all other stations just disappear.  I personally use only 30 watts and have received 599 reports from all over the world.
3. When you want to call CQ on a frequency please listen first.  I don't mean listen for 5 seconds and assume the frequency is clear.  Give it a minute or so then ask if the frequency is clear.  As we all know some of us are real rag chewers and it's nothing for some of us to go on for several minutes without tacking a breath.  Remember a station maybe out of your range could be holding a QSO with someone nearby.