Hello, my name is Bill, my call is WX4AR and my QTH is Tuckerton, New Jersey, grid FM29tn. I’ve been a licensed Ham since 1985. I’m proud to hold a Amateur Extra license. I also held the call KA2WYG.
My shack consists of a Yaesu FT-450 with the MD-100 desk mic, MFJ 949E tuner and a Yaesu FT-7900. Antennas - Comet H-422 Quad Band Rotatable dipole and a 40 meter double bazooka for HF work. A Jetstream JTB3 is used for VHF/UHF. I also have a self built Heathkit SB-104A that unfortunately doesn't work. Shh, don't tell anyone but I also own a Realistic Navaho TRC-458 Citizens Band that I bought about thirty years ago. I enjoy SSB phone and BPSK-31. I’m working on getting back to CW but it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks but I know if I keep it up I'll get there.
I'm looking forward to a move to North Carolina with my XYL Patsy and my right hand (paw) pup Coco as soon as the market improves.
I spend the rest of my time keeping up with current events and figuring out how such events affect my family. I'm a proud father of three and grandfather of six, seven if you count my best friend Coco (K9DOG).
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